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March 1-2, 2025
Indianapolis, IN

Intended Audience:

Physical therapists, athletic trainers, sports performance/strength coaches, sport scientists, physicians, and related professions/students of those fields who are currently involved or wanting to get involved in working with elite football.


Working with elite football players (professional and collegiate levels) is a highly specialized setting for rehab professionals that most continuing education does not adequately address. Many early career professionals wanting to get opportunities working in elite football are often presented with the paradox of needing to have experience working in elite football in order to get the opportunity to work in elite football.

This conference will provide content by a diverse group of professionals currently working with elite football programs – from highly specialized consultants to new professionals just starting out in the setting. Not only will the conference cover management of specific injuries, other topics pertinent to the rehab professional such as ethical considerations, interpersonal relationships with players/coaches/other staff, and career development will also be discussed.

The conference will also include a networking event that will give the participants the opportunity to meet and interact with the speakers and staffs from elite football programs as well as check out products from vendors that work in the setting. The goal of this event is to help participants and elite football staffs make meaningful connections to help foster/support increased diversity in the setting.

The event is being held in the same location at the same time as the NFL Combine but is not affiliated with that event.


Due to the chaotic schedules of elite football, schedule and speakers are subject to change even up to the last minute.

Conference Objectives:

  • Provide a platform for professionals working in elite football to support, share, and enhance their practice
  • Expand pathways for getting into working in elite football
  • Improve/Support diversity among professionals working in elite football

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this conference, participants will be able to:

  • Understand case management specific to the elite football setting
  • Describe common injuries in elite football
  • Summarize diverse career pathways to working in elite football
  • Provide objective measures for return to sport decision making in elite football

Contact Hours 13/CEU 1.3

This conference meets the standards for 13 hours of continuing education by most state physical therapy boards. Please contact your state board for details on their specific requirements.

The Science PT (BOC AP#: P3211) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Athletic Trainers. This program is eligible for a maximum of 13 Category A hours/CEUs. ATs should claim only those hours actually spent in the educational program.


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